Bitcoin Multisig Use Cases


Ownership of bitcoin is based on the cryptographic keys for each address, usually stored in users’ bitcoin wallet software. A bitcoin “wallet” is actually nothing more than matching sets of public and private keys. Even the wallet software is a secondary layer; all that matters in bitcoin is the keys. Whoever holds the private key …

Sidechains with Blockstream


Too many bitcoin proponents get caught up in the world of trading, looking to new altcoin projects in hopes of earning a profit, with very short-sighted interests into what useful features or changes the project might add to cryptocurrency use and adoption in the real world. That can lead many who are interested in the …



One of bitcoin’s biggest problems is a lack of convenience. Ironic, right? It can be difficult though, to navigate all the different wallet options, to enter those long addresses or to know who to trust. While bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are ‘trustless’ decentralized networks, fiat currency requires trust and third parties. There simply is no …


Ethereum logo

After more than a year and around $18 million of fundraising, the Ethereum network has launched. If you haven’t heard of Ethereum, you must be very new to cryptocurrency indeed. While Ethereum is a little difficult to get your head around, it is hard to think of anything that has been hyped half as much. …


Nxt logo

Cryptocurrency is easily the most revolutionary development in personal finance technology since at least the introduction of credit cards in the 1950s. It is still somewhat of an open secret. Most people have never heard of it; most who have only know about one kind, bitcoin, and have only a vague idea about what it …